All over america there are little boys on the side of houses and buildings throwing a baseball against the wall dreaming of the day that they will have a shot at the big leagues. As a parent I understand that this is a long shot but achievable goal. It goes something like this, t-ball a kid may be the best hitter at his age you have ever seen and then coach pitch comes and then he can't hit a moving pitch. The next kid was a great pitcher until about 13 and then they moved the mound and bases back and he is never the same. The next kid who has led the team in homers for the last 5 years find out the kids are throwing curve balls now and he can't hit one so he is done. We can not forget the kid who has got to high school and has never had a coach other than his father and it shows when he gets cut from the team. We can't forget the kid who has always been a star and now he is in the 7th and 8th hole on varsity and the reality that it is over hits him and he is done. The things we have talked about is only until high school baseball but it gives you a idea of how hard it is to make it,so sit in the stands and enjoy the moment because nothing is as hard as hitting a baseball. If you don't agree what else in your life can you succeed 30 percent of the time and you are great at what you do? Hsbaseballdad wants to hear your opinion so voice it below and tell others or give a tweet about this blog.
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